Indus Valley Economy – IASPOINT

Indus Valley Economy

The Indus Valley Civilization boasted an advanced economy that relied on extensive cultivation, efficient irrigation systems, and a flourishing trade network.

Agriculture and Irrigation Systems

Trade and Commerce

Commodities Sources
Stone, metal Within the Indus region
Seals Within the Indus region
Lapis lazuli Central Asia
Gold Southern India, Afghanistan
Silver, copper Afghanistan, Northwestern India
Copper (mines) Khetri mines, Rajasthan
Key Ports Lothal, Balakot, Sutkagendor

In summary, economy of the Indus Valley Civilization was characterized by its advanced agricultural practices, efficient irrigation systems, and a thriving trade network. The civilization’s ability to harness the fertile lands of the Indus River Valley while controlling the annual floods contributed to their agricultural surplus. Additionally, their commercial activities, both domestic and international, played a vital role in their economic prosperity. The Indus Valley Civilization left behind a rich legacy in terms of economic practices and trade connections, paving the way for future civilizations in the Indian subcontinent.

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