PMKKKY Boosts Tribal Welfare in Mining Areas – IASPOINT

PMKKKY Boosts Tribal Welfare in Mining Areas

The Pradhan Mantri Khanij Kshetra Kalyan Yojana (PMKKKY) is a pivotal initiative by the Indian government aimed at enhancing the quality of life for communities residing in mining areas. Acknowledging that a significant number of these regions are home to tribal populations, the scheme emphasizes safeguarding their health, environmental sanctity, and economic stability. The implementation of PMKKKY is entrusted to the District Mineral Foundations (DMFs), which are responsible for channeling the funds allocated to each district effectively.

Objective of PMKKKY

PMKKKY was designed with the specific goal of mitigating the adverse impacts of mining on the local communities and environments. Its objectives include ensuring long-term sustainable livelihoods for those affected by mining operations. This includes the development of infrastructure, provision of healthcare, education, and the conservation of the environment. The initiative seeks to create a framework where mining activities can coexist with the socio-economic well-being of the local populace.

Role of District Mineral Foundations (DMFs)

DMFs are the cornerstone for the execution of PMKKKY. They are non-profit trusts established in each mining district under the Mines and Minerals (Development and Regulation) Act. These foundations are tasked with managing and utilizing the funds generated from the mining sector to benefit the communities affected by mining activities. DMFs focus on ensuring that the developmental and welfare projects under the scheme are tailored to meet the needs of the local population, particularly the tribal communities.

Funding of PMKKKY

The financial backbone of PMKKKY comes from the contributions received from miners. A percentage of the royalty paid for mining leases is earmarked for the welfare of the mining-affected areas through the DMFs. These contributions are crucial for the DMFs to carry out various developmental works and ensure the effective implementation of the PMKKKY. The exact percentage of the contribution varies and is determined by the date of the mining lease and other factors as stipulated by the government.

Impact on Tribal Communities

Tribal communities are often the most impacted by mining due to their proximity to mineral-rich lands. PMKKKY aims to address the challenges faced by tribals, such as displacement, loss of livelihood, health issues, and environmental degradation. By focusing on these areas, the scheme intends to bring about a significant improvement in the quality of life of tribal populations. This includes facilitating access to clean drinking water, healthcare facilities, education for children, and opportunities for sustainable livelihoods.

Recent Amendments and Government Oversight

The Mines and Minerals (Development and Regulation) Amendment Act, 2021, has introduced changes that grant the Central Government more authority over the functioning of DMFs. With these amendments, the government can now issue directives regarding the composition and functions of DMFs, aiming to streamline their operations and enhance the impact of PMKKKY. This increased oversight is intended to ensure that the funds are utilized efficiently and that the benefits reach the intended beneficiaries without undue delay.

Challenges and Implementation

Despite its noble intentions, PMKKKY faces several challenges in its implementation. Issues such as bureaucratic delays, lack of awareness among the beneficiaries, and difficulties in coordinating with multiple stakeholders can hinder the scheme’s effectiveness. Moreover, there is a need for continuous monitoring and evaluation to ensure that the projects executed under PMKKKY are meeting their targets and contributing to the overall development of the mining-affected areas.

In conclusion, the Pradhan Mantri Khanij Kshetra Kalyan Yojana is a comprehensive effort to integrate the welfare of tribal and mining-affected communities into the broader development narrative of India. With proper implementation and governance, the scheme has the potential to transform the lives of many who have been traditionally marginalized due to the mining industry’s expansion.

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