Inland Vessels Bill 2021 Passed

The Inland Vessels Bill, 2021, stands as a significant legislative move towards unifying the regulatory framework for inland vessel navigation across India. This newly passed bill by the Lok Sabha aims to replace the diverse set of rules established by individual states with a standardized system that would facilitate the operation of various types of vessels within the country’s vast network of inland waterways.

Objective of The Inland Vessels Bill

The primary objective of The Inland Vessels Bill, 2021, is to establish a central regulatory framework that will govern the navigation and operation of inland vessels throughout India. By doing so, it seeks to ensure safety, security, and registration standardization, thus promoting a more efficient and reliable mode of transportation. With this bill, all vessels operating in inland waters will require a single registration, which will be recognized nationwide, eliminating the need for separate state-wise registrations and permits.

Scope of the Bill

The Inland Vessels Bill encompasses a wide range of vessels including boats, ships, container vessels, sailing vessels, and ferries that operate in the inland waterways of the country. These waterways are crucial for domestic trade and have been underutilized in the past. The bill aims to streamline the process of vessel navigation, making it easier for operators to manage their fleets and for the government to monitor and regulate vessel activity.

Benefits for Nationwide Operation

A uniform regulatory framework is expected to significantly ease the process of navigating inland vessels across state boundaries. This seamless operation is anticipated to bolster the nationwide transportation of goods, thereby enhancing the efficiency of cargo movement. It is also likely to lead to a reduction in logistics costs, as inland water transport is generally cheaper compared to road or rail transport, especially over long distances.

Impact on Employment and Economy

The Inland Vessels Bill has the potential to create substantial employment opportunities within the country. The government estimates that the bill could provide employment for approximately 1 crore people over the next decade. This projection includes direct and indirect jobs generated by the growth of inland ports, increased vessel operations, and the ancillary industries that will develop alongside the waterways. Furthermore, the boost in inland water transport is expected to contribute positively to the economy by facilitating trade and commerce.

Enhancing Safety and Environmental Standards

Safety is a key component of The Inland Vessels Bill, with provisions included to ensure the welfare of both crew and passengers. The bill mandates the adherence to certain construction and maintenance standards for vessels to prevent accidents and incidents on waterways. Additionally, measures are to be taken to protect the environment, including the prevention of pollution caused by vessel operations. The bill stipulates strict guidelines for the disposal of pollutants and the use of environmentally friendly technologies in vessel construction and maintenance.

Fostering Development of Inland Ports

In line with the Central Government’s vision, The Inland Vessels Bill is set to play a pivotal role in the development of inland ports across the country. These ports are essential components of the overall transportation network and are critical for the effective movement of goods. The standardization of regulations and the facilitation of easier navigation will attract investment in port infrastructure, leading to improved connectivity and increased trade opportunities.


The Inland Vessels Bill, 2021, represents a transformative step towards optimizing India’s inland waterways for transportation. By replacing fragmented state rules with a unified regulatory system, it lays the foundation for a more cohesive, efficient, and cost-effective inland vessel navigation network. The bill’s emphasis on safety, environmental protection, and employment generation aligns with broader economic development goals and is poised to make a significant impact on the nation’s transportation landscape.

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