Standards National Action Plan (SNAP) 2022-27

Standardization is a critical element of a country’s quality infrastructure, and it plays a crucial role in facilitating economic activities. Recognizing the significance of standardization, the Indian National Strategy for Standardisation (INSS) was released by the Ministry of Commerce & Industry, Government of India in 2019.

  • The INSS recognizes the need to develop a comprehensive ecosystem for standards development in India by adopting the best international practices and creating a response mechanism to meet the standardization challenges. To achieve this goal, the Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) has developed the Standards National Action Plan (SNAP) 2022-27.

Objectives of SNAP 2022-27

  • The SNAP document outlines the objectives for standardization in India over the next five years. These objectives include:
  • Identification of standardization needs and enhancing stakeholder involvement
  • Making standardization processes efficient and fast
  • Ensuring harmonious standardization activities in the country
  • Increased participation and involvement in international standardization activities
  • Increasing awareness and implementation of standards
  • The SNAP document aims to serve as a strong foundation for standardization to meet the emerging technologies and concerns of sustainability and climate change. By implementing the key recommendations and strategies outlined in the document, the national standardization efforts will lead to standards becoming a key enabler of India’s economic aspirations.

Standardization Needs and Stakeholder Involvement

  • The first objective of SNAP 2022-27 is to identify standardization needs and enhance stakeholder involvement. Standardization needs are determined by identifying the gaps in existing standards and areas where new standards are needed to meet the changing technological and societal needs.
  • This involves active engagement with stakeholders from various sectors such as industry, government, academia, and civil society. By involving stakeholders in the standardization process, it ensures that the standards developed are relevant and responsive to the needs of the society and industry. This also promotes the adoption and implementation of standards, as the stakeholders feel a sense of ownership and relevance to their specific needs.

Efficient and Fast Standardization Processes

  • The second objective of SNAP 2022-27 is to make standardization processes more efficient and fast. This involves streamlining the standardization process, reducing the time for the development of standards, and making the process more transparent and accessible.
  • This can be achieved by adopting modern technologies and techniques, such as e-governance and digitalization of the standardization process. The use of digital platforms can also enhance stakeholder participation and increase the accessibility of the process.

Harmonious Standardization Activities

  • The third objective of SNAP 2022-27 is to ensure harmonious standardization activities in the country. This involves the coordination and cooperation of various standardization bodies in the country, such as BIS and various sector-specific standardization bodies. Harmonious standardization activities ensure that there is no duplication of efforts and that standards developed are consistent and comparable across different sectors. This also promotes the adoption and implementation of standards, as there is less confusion and fragmentation in the standards landscape.

International Participation and Involvement

  • The fourth objective of SNAP 2022-27 is to increase participation and involvement in international standardization activities. India is a member of various international standardization organizations such as ISO and IEC.
  • By actively participating in the development of international standards, India can ensure that its perspectives and needs are considered in the development of standards. It also promotes the adoption of international standards in the country and enhances the competitiveness of Indian industry on the global stage.

Awareness and Implementation of Standards

  • The fifth objective of SNAP 2022-27 is to increase awareness and implementation of standards. This involves creating awareness about the importance of standards, their benefits, and how they can be used effectively. It also involves promoting the adoption and implementation of standards in various sectors such as industry, government, and academia.
  • This can be achieved through various means such as training programs, workshops, and campaigns to create awareness about standards and their benefits. Encouraging compliance with standards, implementing them as a requirement in procurement, making the standards mandatory for certifications and in regulations could be some ways to promote the implementation.

In conclusion, the Standards National Action Plan (SNAP) 2022-27 is a comprehensive strategy that aims to position standards as a key facilitator of economic activities in India. By identifying standardization needs, enhancing stakeholder involvement, making standardization processes efficient and fast, ensuring harmonious standardization activities, increasing participation and involvement in international standardization activities, and increasing awareness and implementation of standards, SNAP 2022-27 will play a vital role in steering the national standardization efforts and contributing to the quality culture in the nation. The implementation of these key recommendations and strategies will be crucial in supporting India’s economic aspirations, as well as addressing emerging technologies and concerns related to sustainability and climate change.



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